
Keyboard Soundpacks


Keyboard Soundpacks are located at [XSOverlayInstallationDirectory]/XSOverlay_Data/StreamingAssets/Plugins/KeyboardSounds/

Creating Soundpacks


  • Audio files must be .ogg format.
  • Audio files must be named backspace, enter, spacebar, and tap respectively.
  • You must include a soundpackSettings.json configuration file.

To create a sound pack, follow the rules above, and place the files into a new folder under the KeyboardSounds directory. You can then access the soundpack by hitting the keyboard settings button, and loading it from the list.

Soundpack Settings


soundpackSettings.json is a required element of the soundpack, and controls things like volume, and randomizing the pitch of the keyboard typing sounds.

    "settings": [
            // Controls the Minumum allowed pitch when randomizing the pitch for a key press sound.
            "minimumPitchRange": 1,
            // Controls the Maximum allowed pitch when randomizing the pitch for a key press sound.
            "maximumPitchRange": 1,
            // Controls the overall volume of key press sounds.
            "volume": 1 